Thursday, October 07, 2004


It is a rare thing for a script to ever be finished. Get Low has been finished more times than I can count. I imagine work will continue on it up until they're checking the camera's gate for hair. Maybe the real milesone, apart from a screening, is finishing something for the first time. If so, Matt and I passed a milestone on the comedy pilot. After five or six month's work, we printed the 1st draft yesterday. We think it's funny. We think it's well done. We think we're living gods. You kind of have to think all these things when you've just finished something, you have to trick yourself into believing it will be loved and adored and you'll get thrown heaps of praise and big bags of money. Otherwise reality will crush you. Anyway, we changed the title, which is now officially "NYC Detectives: New York."

The rest of today will be spent going over notes from the director on Get Low. He's so anxious to getting me writing (and off Carpocalypse) that he's had a conversation with Dean Zanuck about paying me. THAT would be something. Being paid to finish the script.

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