Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Update after numerous beers and years having gone by

I mean, let's face it. Has it been a very interesting life so far? I think we know the answer. And the answer is no. Really. Not all that interesting. It hasn't been so interesting. There is... oh, I'll be conservative and say there is... a truckload left to do. You know, to make it interesting. Or at least to not make it not an out and out waste. It's been pretty pedestrian so far. I mean, when you come right down to it. Pretty generic. Did this, went here, saw that. But no particularly good war stories. Nothing out of the ordinary, that's for sure. Nothing that I think makes them say hey, or wow, or how about that. You know, pretty run of the mill shit. Sure there's the Hollywood angle. But really. I mean. Is that such a big deal? I mean, not such big deal to me, not such a big deal to all the others out here. It's just the way it is.

Ah. Yeah. I guess it's bedtime. Time to sleep 'er off. Sorry folks.

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