Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Scribe (?)

Up late today as I had to pick up my lady from the airport last evening at 11:30. That's about two hours past my bedtime these days, and as a result I slept in until the ripe old hour of 8. The schedule, folks, you want to get anything done in this world it's all about the schedule.

Speaking of which, I started work on a novel yesterday. Why, you ask? Because I wasn't going broke enough trying to sell screenplays and TV ideas. I wanted to break through to a whole other level of poverty. From now on I can claim that not only am I a broke hack screenwriter, but a broke aspiring novelist. Big diff.

So far it's great. I'm three or four pages in and I plan on doing a half hour a day in between the other projects I am trying to get done in my free time. That way I figure in a years time I'll be done with a first draft. And so far it's great. It's the Great American Novel, actually. It's set in America, number one, but number two, so far it's great.

Here's the thing though, if I did a short story, I'd be done a lot sooner. Maybe that's the way to go. And, also, technically writing this cut ten minutes into my writing. All about the schedule.

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